An environmentally sound society free from exploitation, oppression, injustice, discrimination and poverty where children, youths, women and men live with dignity and capable to exercise and enjoy their rights and will have access to opportunities irrespective of caste, creed and color.
Socio economic empowerment of the disadvantaged people for:
- Establishing their rights through social mobilization, building awareness, development and promotion of people’s organizations, policy advocacy and lobbying for positive change with environment friendly initiatives.
- Alleviating poverty by undertaking employment and income generation programs for the disadvantaged families including those of disables and develop leadership, entrepreneurial skills and human resource potentials.
UDDIPAN is pursuing its goal to reduce the number of people below poverty line by fifty percent by the year 2015 in the targeted communities through implementation of such community demand driven activities such as social mobilization, community institution building, human resource development, micro finance for sustainable livelihoods, disaster management, advocacy, legal aid, etc. and thus, contributing to the poverty reduction objective of the government as envisaged in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP).